Don’t miss this train (again): Scarface 1920 reprint!

The mafia game you’ve been waiting for is back… and this time, on Gamefound. Scarface 1920 is back with the expansion of The Enforcers and the Gametrayz, both included for free. That’s right, don’t miss your chance and join the reprint. Make sure to follow us on the preview page!
On June 15th, 2021, we launched our first board game, Scarface 1920, on Kickstarter. The uncertainty of that first time lasted less than an hour… 55 minutes to be exact: the time it took the community to fund us.
One month later, the Scarface 1920 campaign ended with 7420 backers. That’s many more than we dreamed of when we started this, many more than we imagined when we designed the game, and many more than we expected when we launched the campaign. But, you know what? Those 7420 backers are not all.
Over the past two years, we’ve received numerous comments from people who regretted not backing Scarface 1920. Because, beyond the fact that the game is well worth it, as you continue to make clear on BGG (thanks for each and every one of those votes), the campaign came with a bunch of Kickstarter Exclusives that made Scarface 1920 even more enticing.
Well, for all those who missed the train the first time around, we’ve decided to launch the Scarface 1920 reprint. A reprint that, by the way, once again offers two of the most valued Kickstarter Exclusives from the previous campaign for free: The Enforcers expansion and the Gametrayz. It arrives at the same time as Bloody Business, the new Scarface 1920 expansion, and comes with a ton of add-ons to make the experience just as exciting as the first time.
Tell that friend who regretted not backing, gather your gaming companions, and get yourself a copy or simply take advantage of the add-on you missed out on. To all of you: we’ll see you on Gamefound!