The miniatures of Scarface 1920: bosses, thugs, cars… and surprises!

Miniature lovers, we’ve got some great news for you all: Scarface 1920 has a loooooot of miniatures. In total, 76 miniatures! Some of them you have already seen, others are going to see the light for the first time now, and a lot more will be waiting for you on Kickstarter next June 15, our official launch date.
As you know, the miniatures of Scarface 1920 have been created by Bigchild Creatives, one of the leading companies in that area. Bigchild joined Scarface 1920 to give shape to our wildest dreams of making an awesome miniature game with their talent and experience. They have already done it, with huge success, in other titles such as Marvel United, A Song of Ice and Fire, Zombicide (2nd Edition) or Echoes of Camelot.
In that sense, Scarface 1920 has a wide array of spectacular 32mm miniatures that will shine on each game and that will make lovers of these small works of art fall in love with it. Shall we review them?
Scarface 1920 is a super immersive board game that takes place in Chicago in the 1920s, in the era of gangsters, and it mixes worker placement, deck building and area control mechanics. Each player will lead one of the four bosses trying to take control of the city in the middle of Prohibition (1920-1933): Al Capone, Dean O’Banion, Arnold Rothstein and Stephanie St. Clair.
Each of them, of course, will have their own miniature developed by the Bigchild Creatives team. The four bosses will compete for the throne of the city of Chicago, but they will have a common enemy: Eliot Ness. The famous Prohibition Agent, who also has his own miniature, does not lose detail of the affairs of Al Capone and company to enforce Prohibition at all costs.
To succeed in Scarface 1920, among other things, players must control the territory, become strong in the streets and extend their dominance to expand business. The strength of each gang on the streets of Chicago is represented by its thugs, who also feature their own custom miniature. In this sense, each gang will have a different thug model so, initially, we will find four different thug models, one per gang.
To control the streets, expand or defend your territory, as well as to carry out sales, you will have a group of thugs at your command, but also a fleet of vehicles that will help you carry out those missions.
In this sense, each gang will have three miniatures of the Cadillac Series 341-A Town Sedan, the famous car that belonged to Al Capone, with which they will be able to move more quickly through the city or with which they will be able to support the assault on enemy neighborhoods.
In addition, gangs will also have at their disposal two miniatures of the 1929 Chevy Truck, which does not participate in the attacks or defenses of the neighborhoods, but are a key element when it comes to boosting the sales of alcohol and weapons.
The third model of vehicle that circulates through the streets of Chicago in Scarface 1920 is the Ford T Coupe that belongs to the police. In all, three police cars control the streets and protect the districts … but they could easily look the other way for a handful of dollars. Police cars start each game of Scarface 1920 already on the map, and can be moved, at will of the players, using skills from some characters. This way, each police car can act as an ally or an enemy when conquering the streets of Chicago.
As we said, miniature lovers are going to enjoy the content of Scarface 1920 a lot, since, in addition to the ones you now know, the game has a huge number of markers also made by Bigchild. Among them, 28 buildings or a multitude of barrels and realistic pistols, all in 3D, that will take us back to the Prohibition era.
On June 15, we will start the Kickstarter campaign with lots of surprises as stretch goals, among them, a few that have to do with new miniatures … and we cannot tell you more! Will you join us?